Unit Converter is a special device in Avaxtars. There is no limit for Unit Converters like PAGMs.
Players will be able to buy 1 UC per account at the moment.
The base price for UC is 3000 $AVXT and 60 $DGC.
UCs will be bought as Level 1.
Locking a scientist into UC and paying the upgrade cost with $ENXT and $DGC will upgrade it to the next level.
The required amount of scientists to upgrade UC to the next level is; Level 1 to Level 2: 2 Scientists Level 2 to Level 3: 3 Scientists Level 3 to Level 4: 4 Scientists Level 4 to Level 5: 5 Scientists
Scientists will be locked permanently in UC for upgrading the level of UC.
To upgrade UC to the next level is 25 $ENXT for each level.
The required $DGC to upgrade UC to the next level is; Level 1 to Level 2: 116 $DGC Level 2 to Level 3: 168 $DGC Level 3 to Level 4: 216 $DGC Level 4 to Level 5: 250 $DGC
UC will have two different conversion functions: Scientists and Soldiers.
UC will be able to produce while upgrading.
Only the scientist conversion feature will be activated until the launch of the PvP feature.
You should pay attention to these details while converting your Gen2 Avaxtars to Scientists:
Gen2 Avaxtars’ rarity does not affect the outcome of scientist's conversion process. Regardless of the rarity of Gen2 Avaxtar which has been put into Unit Converter, a standard Scientist will be generated as the outcome of the conversion process. Scientists won’t have a feature such as a rarity or level.
The rarity of Gen2 Avaxtars affects the cost of $DGC. The required cost of $DGC to convert a unit will decrease depending on the rarity of Gen2 Avaxtars which has been put into Unit Converter.
We estimate that mostly Common and Uncommon Gen2 Avaxtars will go through the scientist conversion process.
In contrast with the scientist conversion process, Gen2 Avaxtars’ rarity will affect the outcome of the soldier conversion process. Gen2 Avaxtars which have been put into the Unit Converter to be converted as a Soldier will maintain their rarities and levels.
Soldier conversion costs with $DGC increase by rarities because the output keeps the unit levels and rarities.
Gen2 Common Avaxtar will be converted to Common Soldier.
Gen2 Uncommon Avaxtar will be converted to Uncommon Soldier.
Gen2 Rare Avaxtar will be converted to Rare Soldier.
Gen2 Epic Avaxtar will be converted to Epic Soldier.
Gen2 Legend Avaxtar will be converted to Legend Soldier.
Unit Converter Table is shown below:
Unit Converter Table
Note that $DGC costs are for per unit and $ENXT costs increase based on the simultaneous conversion amount. For example; 1 Common Gen2 Avaxtar’s conversion for a scientist cost in a Level 1 or Level 5 Unit Converter is 60 $DGC and 20 $ENXT while 5 Common Gen2 Avaxtar’s conversion for scientists cost in a Level 5 Unit Converter is 300 $DGC (5x60) and 80 $ENXT.
Let’s give another example; 1 Rare Gen2 Avaxtar’s conversion for a soldier costs in a Level 1 or Level 5 Unit Converter is 91 $DGC and 20 $ENXT while 2 Rare, 2 Epic and 1 Legend Gen2 Avaxtar’s conversion for soldiers cost in a Level 5 Unit Converter is 601 $DGC (2x91 + 2x136 + 147) and 80 $ENXT.
DGC + ENXT Costs Based on Rarity & Simultaneous Conversion